New rescue chicken, help with breed and age?

Rhode Island Red, hatchery stock. I'd say she is this springs hatch, so 8-9ish months old. Keep her separate for at least 30 days to prevent possible spread of disease to your other chickens.
Honestly I think she looks more like a Golden Buff. Rhode Island reds... if they are a pure bread will have black tips on their tail feathers and I don't see that. Perhaps I am missing it. However they do seem to have a similar build. In this photo our chicken was only 12 weeks old. If you get her on a complete feed, and she is old enough you should see her start laying in 3-4 weeks.
Honestly I think she looks more like a Golden Buff. Rhode Island reds... if they are a pure bread will have black tips on their tail feathers and I don't see that. Perhaps I am missing it. However they do seem to have a similar build. In this photo our chicken was only 12 weeks old. If you get her on a complete feed, and she is old enough you should see her start laying in 3-4 weeks.
Golden Buffs (aka Red sex-link, Golden Comet, Gold sex-link) are a lighter red then the bird in question, they also have some white streaks.

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