New roo on the block (not chopping block) Any ideas as what he can be?


8 Years
Sep 29, 2011
South Florida

This lil guys been roaming around the fence of my property for last 3 days, my two neighbors dont have any chickens and the next nearest house is a qtr of mile away. He managed to get into my yard today and TRIED to bully my 9lb Buff Orpington, needless to say it was a fruitless endeavor lol. I decided to adopt him so I got him in quarantine but wondering what he might be. Hes got feather kinda like a ponytail coming from just behind his crest. Any guesses???
It's amazing what can find you. We live in a suburb of Austin and a guinea fowl made it's way to our chicken coop. It must have heard the rooster. It stayed for the food. It's been here for months and I doubt it's going anywhere anytime soon. I'd try to worm your new guy somehow, who knows what kind of critters it's carrying along.
Sweeet!! Guinea sounds like hes no fool, Im sure he knows a good home when he found one. Im def. Deworming and going about all the quarantine steps. Hes in real good shape. Named him The Wonderer
Thanks for the replies my fellow fowl friends

Lothirial- I read about your buzzy, I send my deepest condolences. She reminds me of a mixed BR I had named mama, she was the best momma hen EVER that Ive had. She as well is up in heaven hanging with buzzy im sure! Remember she lives on thru you, and she'll be waiting for you at the gates.

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