New Rooster!


8 Years
Apr 23, 2011
I finally have a rooster! He's a RIR/Columbian Rock/Old English Bantam Mix and about 3 yrs old. I have a few questions. How long should I wait before the eggs are fertile? Any suggestions on how to get my hens to go broody?


Just home

Checkin out the yard

He's so pretty! Congrats. I would say maybe two weeks for fertile eggs. It could be sooner, but that might give your hens time to get used to him so that he can mate with them successfully.

Unfortunately, you can't make a hen go broody. It's one of those "hormonal" things that just comes over a hen. We can't start it or stop it. It just happens. Certain breeds are more broody than others.
how is he acting with the hens? how are the hens acting towards him? i've never had a rooster (well, not in my adult life anyway). i know if you introduce one new hen to an established flock that it's hard on the new hen. is it different with a roo? he's beautiful! i sure wish i could have a roo! congrats!
This is my first Roo. They've been establishing their order but seem to be getting along fine.

how is he acting with the hens? how are the hens acting towards him? i've never had a rooster (well, not in my adult life anyway). i know if you introduce one new hen to an established flock that it's hard on the new hen. is it different with a roo? he's beautiful! i sure wish i could have a roo! congrats!
Wow! What a nice looking rooster! Congratulations!
What a pretty boy! Congrats!

Thanks =) I can't wait to see what kinda babies he makes with my girls. I have a black astralorp(i think), a barred rock, a barred rock mix, and a red sex link(what I was told on here) that are actually laying. Will deffinatly post baby pics when they come
the best thing you can do to make a chicken go broody is take some fake eggs (or golfballs will stand in) and then move the nesting area into a quiet dark corner and in no time you will find your self a nice broody hen!

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