Jan 20, 2023
Went out for eggs 2:pM and found a possum moving under the straw. Young one I'll call it a teenager. No big deal just shooed it out the chicken door with a 4 iron. It's under the coop now. I'll boil or scramble some eggs and set up the Have-A-Heart this evening. Nothing to panic about, just another day in the coop. I'll cut him loose deep in Wharten State Forest. Just like the "Officials" would do without all the hub bub. I must be gettin' old, years back I would have just popped him.
I was told to chili pepper flake my yard as a deterrent for opossums. Any truth to that?
"THEY" say that moth balls will send them packing or a rag soaked in the famous Apple Cider Vinegar, which we have plenty of both. If it's not in the Have-A-Heart in the morning I'll give the 2 other options a try. I want to give it a chance before I use the tried and true measure. It's not bothering the birds or eggs so far so I'll give it a chance. Geeze I'm getting soft in my old age. :idunno:lau
I must admit I've done many 're-lo's of critters over the years, from baby skunks (very cute), ring-tailed cat, possums, 'coons, rattlesnakes and rat snakes and recently 3 very annoying squirrels (the worst pests).;)

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