New to all this


Nov 18, 2015
Leicestershire, U.K.
Hi all,
9months ago I was (JUST)a mother to my five children, my 2 dogs and 2 cat and a wife.... But I couldn't stop there I had a clever idea as we live in the sticks lol, and went out and got 4 chickens, just 4 big fat brown hens that had there own personalitys, my kids fell in love with them with in seconds so did I... But sadly we lost 2 of them, we kept strong and this time took my children with me to buy more. We came home with 4 yes another 4 lol, but this time these were 8 weeks old, now 22weeks ish old. This is the start of my life with chickens and I'm loving it... So hello to all and thanks for having me, and I welcome all knowledge :D
Welcome to BYC.
I started out with 6 lost 4 replaced with 8 chicks dang that chicken math is accurate! My wife made me promise to not buy anymore chickens so I promised I wouldn't buy any more THIS YEAR thank god the years almost over!
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Yep victim lol, keep tell my husband that we won't get no more, but oh well better then buying hand bags lol. I have to polish one of each sex and 4 booted bantams one of which I was told had silkie in him/her but just been advised different :( but still lovely all the same and I think the over 2 were just warrens think that's what there called, unfortunately they have also past way, just some of my little ones

Next time "accidentally" buy a rooster and then you can still keep your promise about not "buying" any more
I have been known in the past to have selective amnesia when it comes to telling my wife one of my hens is sitting

Great to have you onboard and good luck!


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