New to Bantams, but adding to my flock


Mar 16, 2017
St. Louis area
Hi! I am happy to be joining this group, and look forward to sharing stories, experiences, pics and articles. My new chicks are 18 days old now. A bunch of the bantams died soon after arrival - must have been a rough trip. But the other 7 assorted are doing great, along with 4 standards. I was just looking at the sexing article, as I am curious how the straight run is going to pan out.
Sorry to hear your loss... but good the others are doing so well. When buying straight-run it is always a bit wracking thinking whether you will get a good male:female ratio!
So am adding to my prior post. I received replacement Bantam chicks from the hatchery 2 days ago. Six total. One died within an hour of going into the brooder. Another two followed within 4 hours, and the 4th about 6 hours. Called the hatchery and reviewed all my setup, and I don't think I did anything wrong. Guy said this doesn't usually happen, and in fact rare. This is the first time I ever ordered from hatchery. The rest of my chicks have always come from feed stores. Has anyone else ever had this experience? Any ideas why this could have happened? I don't think you want the details of my setup but could share.
So sorry! I've ordered standard and bantam chicks together, and had great survival rates. It can be just bad luck, weather issues, or too long a trip. Some hatcheries do better than others, and sometimes the post office is less than terrific. Pictures of your border wouldn't hurt, here. How long were they in transit? Did the post office call you on arrival? Hope it all goes better next time! Mary
Thank you for the kind words. About 41 hrs in transit. No PO didn't call but I had signed up for text msgs. Brooder / 40 gal aquarium. 2 thermometers. One red 250 watt bulb. Pine shavings.
Last year I ordered 25 standard and 15 bantams from Cackle, and they were shipped during a cold snap in April. I was very worried, but the hatchery had the bantams on one side of the box, with a heat pack, and sent 46 chicks total! All arrived safely, and did great. I've never ordered less than 25 chicks by mail, and have had good success with Cackle, MMcM, Freedom Ranger Hatchery, and some deaths from a Meyers order. Mary
That's good to know. Never heard of Freedom Hatchery, but I appreciate the BYC forums to learn more! I would love to be able to order in quantity, but I am urban and small scale. I am really curious about how to find more local breeders. I'm in the St Louis area. I do like Bantams, but want a couple Cream Legbars in the near future. And I will check out the unfamiliar hatchery!

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