New to BYC...and Chickens!


5 Years
Jul 1, 2016
Good morning from Colorado!

Since March 25 I've wound up with a dozen chickens - one Sussex hen, one Silver Wyandotte, a Barnevelder hen, and nine Rhode Island Reds. They were all supposed to be hens, but it looks like the Wyandotte and two RIRs are roosters.

The birds have not had any shots (got 'em at Tractor Supply when I worked there), and the Sussex seemed to have a 'wry neck', but she, the Barnevelder, and most of the RI birds are about as sweet as they come!

I did find the 'My Pet Chicken' website first, but signed up here as well.

Starting tomorrow morning I'll be taking care of a friend's 100+ chickens, duck, dogs, cats, and a horse for the 4th of July weekend. Some of his chickens have the 'vent gleet', so with the BYC printout of curing the gleet and with his permission, I'll bring some Epsom salts, oyster shell, and layer pellets to his farm.

Whatever I've gotten myself into, I sure am having a good time!

Thanks for reading!

Glad you joined us! Sounds like you got your work cut out for you this weekend! Good luck, and if you ever have any questions, always feel free to ask!
Hello and welcome to BYC!

So glad you could join our community!

Wry neck is caused by a vitamin deficiency and the bird will need to have extra Vitamins B1, E and Selenium added to it's diet to over come the effects of weakness. There are lots of threads here on BYC on Wry Neck and you can also post in our emergency section for help as well.

Good luck with your flock and welcome to ours! :)
Be sure to clean and disinfect well before coming home to your flock. Also don't wear same shoes, clothes etc. to attend to your own birds. You don't want to bring a truck load of illness to your flock. Sounds like a lot of extra work for you. Welcome to Backyard chickens.
Thanks for all the welcomes! :)

Good point about changing clothes and not tracking from one flock to the other. Mine have been (mostly) indoor chickens and the others are outdoors during the daytime. 'Quarantine, quarantine, quarantine' keeps echoing in my mind!

The 'wry neck' on the Sussex (Sussux? - sp?) seems to have gone away, although her comb does seem pale. She's picked on a bit by the Wyandotte, but in spite of that, she always hangs with the rooster.

Time to do chicken stuff before doing some steam train stuff!

Thanks for reading!


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