New to BYC and Chickens!


6 Years
Apr 28, 2013

Hello! We are new to having our own chickens, have found ths site, and absolutely love it. We live in Western Illinois, and have purchased 11 Barred Plymouth Rock hens. No Roosters, as we live on the edge of town, and don't want to push our luck! We have 3 boys (9-11-13) who all seem to have a lot of fun with them so far. The girls are 5 weeks old, and growing like crazy. I have included some pictures of the coop that we just built, and of the girls wandering out today for the first time. Oh, and thank you all for the many, many stories, pictures and wisdom that you all share on here. We have been reading for quite some time, and haven't posted until now that I have some pix to share.

Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Really nice sturdy coop! The only thing I might suggest is more ventilation - you may find in the winter especially what you need is not so much the cracks between the boards but open vents near the top to vent the moist air out, but not produce drafts.

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