new to BYC & chickens!


10 Years
May 12, 2013
hi, guys! just wanted to introduce myself and my new chicks. i'm christy. i've always wanted chickens and finally got three chicks to raise and love :) currently modifying a rabbit hutch to serve as their coop and getting a run built. my chicks are named after constellations-lyra, cassiopeia, & pandora. anyway, nice to meet you all and hopefully my chickens and I will be around for a long time!
that sounds great! I converted part of our garden shed into a coop and built a run...we are having so much fun with our new chicks. They are 7weeks old and have learned so much from BYC. Welcome!
thanks, y'all! i'm totally fascinated by them-they're still in a makeshift brooder inside so I just sit and watch them. they're so funny! now to figure out what breeds they are, haha. I've learned a lot here so far just reading the forums so I know it'll be really helpful.

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