New to BYC, Fresno/Clovis, CA

Hello! I just joined BYC today after finding the site on an internet search for info. I think we're nearly neighbors. How fun to find someone else in this local area. I originally wanted six bantums and was only able to obtain four pullets last summer. They're about a year old now and I'm wondering about adding two more older pullets at some point. Do you have bantums? Thoughts on increasing such a small flock? Would it upset things too much to add two more? My small coop and run could accommodate six max, so I'm pondering it.
Hi Everyone! I am new to the site but have been reading for a long time. I live in Fresno, CA (Central Valley). We moved to the country about 3 years ago and decided to keep chickens for eggs. I haven't had chickens since I was a child. We started with just 4 Isa Browns and the coop just kept getting bigger and bigger. This year, my 9 year old daughter decided that her momma was spending too much money buying laying hens so she wanted to start her own business, "Amelia's Chickens". So we spent a ridiculous amount of money on supplies and chicks; she painted herself a little sign and here we are. She has been super diligent about raising her chicks, feeding, watering, and cleaning their coops and brooders. She's also learning a great lesson about budgeting and money management and never misses an opportunity to school her parents about chickens. Anyhow, we keep a mixed flock of our own laying hens (no roosters) and raise about 100 chicks every 3-4 months so we always have an endless supply of chicks and young pullets (and the occasional cockerel) available. My kids get to keep everything they make selling the chickens. We've ordered from many hatcheries around the country but like to stick to the hatchery and breeders closest to us so that we can easily pick up day old chicks without the trauma of shipping. We occasionally incubate eggs from local breeders and always make a game out of it with our friends on Facebook, "Guess which egg will hatch first and win an Amazon giftcard!" It's been great and we've learned so much. I've been so happy watching my kids go from being too scared to touch a chick to going into the chicken run and picking up full grown chickens on their own. I have even seen my husband (who hated chickens) walk around the garden holding Mutton Chops (our Blue Ameraucana) and picking treats for her right off the vines. It's strange, but you other chicken people get us. I'm excited to be here and to learn from all of you.
Welcome! I have family in Fresno and have been there many times - nice place 😁 Loved your story - looking forward to updates!
:welcome :ya:yesss: Hello and welcome to BYC. You found an Amazing Poultry Community to be a part of, with many knowledgeable members who are willing to help you along your journey with any questions you may have. Enjoy :)
Thanks for your reply. I'm trying to figure out how this site works and could use some pointers from anyone with the time and inclination. I'd like to ask quail questions, but can't figure out how to get to the right section to post something, or how to post it to the people who know about quail. Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thanks!

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