New to BYC, Fresno/Clovis, CA

Thanks for your reply. I'm trying to figure out how this site works and could use some pointers from anyone with the time and inclination. I'd like to ask quail questions, but can't figure out how to get to the right section to post something, or how to post it to the people who know about quail. Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thanks!
A lot depends on what type of device you are using. Basically, you can find everything you need by tapping on the menu bar. It is the 3 dashes on the top left of your page. In a few days, you'll be a pro at navigating this site.
Thanks so much for the info. It's an older MacBook Pro. I don't see three dots at the top left (or right) of the page. Might be the difference in browsers as well? I hope I figure it out before I frustrate other users! lol
I'm sure no one will be frustrated with you. You will get the hang of it! My menu is marked in red, your's will probably look similar.

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