
In the Brooder
Aug 30, 2020
Hello everyone! I live in Northern Maine (I see New Brunswick Canada on my way to work in the morning), and last fall I started raising chickens strictly for eggs. I bought 3 barred rocks and 3 silver lace chicks and they spent their winter in my enclosed coop using the deep litter method. They were extremely happy to go outside come spring once I got their outside run set up.

This spring chicken math happened. I wanted 4 more chicks and ended up getting a barnyard mix of 6 from a private breeder. One didn't make it through the first night with me, and I went to Tractor Supply and bought a brahma and EE chicks. By the time August started, I was getting eggs from my spring chicks. Then I decided to incubate some, so I bought an incubator and incubated 10 eggs. I got 8 beautiful chicks out of it two days ago, and they're beautiful and fluffy and full of activity. One egg was a dud and one chick didn't make it through the night last night.

I didn't start raising chickens for profit, just because I've always liked chickens and enjoy taking care of them. I think after all of these years, I finally found a hobby I enjoy. Not once through this winter did I consider it a burden. Not only that, but I look forward to going to see them throughout the day, and find going back to work (I'm a teacher) this fall difficult, because I can't go check in on them often like I have been.

So out of my 8 babies, I have 3 solid yellow chicks (delaware), 1 solid black chick (Barred Rock hen and RIR rooster as parents), a solid yellow one with a black spot on her head, and two brownish chicks with some markings on their backs. I'm including a couple of photos of my chicks. My little black chick isn't in either photo, but she's all black from her black beak and black feet. The only thing is she has a little bit of brown on her cheeks. That's it. Someone directed me to this site, and based on what I read, she's a sexlink with the barred gene missing.

So I'm wondering if anyone might have any suggestions as to what these chicks might be, and if what I mentioned might be on the right track.


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