New to BYC


7 Years
Aug 10, 2015
Hi I am new on here and was wanting to start raising a few chickens. We have a old playhouse we were going to turn into a coop along with a nice fenced in run, all we would need to do is put a top on it and it should be good. Any suggestions on what chickens would be good for high egg laying and and what ones would be good for possibly free range? Any other suggestions anybody has too would be great! Thanks!
I would recommend Austrolopes and barred rocks they lay a good amount and are very sweet and calm and there easy to find you could probably get some from your local feed store
For egg-laying Isa browns are usually what people go for but I prefer my Australorps.

I love any of the sex links..and leghorn for an egg a day. They will go weeks like this, then miss a day..then back to an egg a day. Wow. :) I let all of mine free range, but, having said that, it's just my back yard! All fenced in.
Welcome to BYC!

I'm with Cynthia12 on this the sex link girls. They are super layers, friendly, curious bird and you can be sure of their gender from the day they are hatched. Whatever breed you end up with, be sure their coop and run have been predator proofed as much as possible to keep them safe.

Good luck to you, thanks for joining us!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. If sheer egg production is your main priority, the best layers in the world are White Leghorns (for white eggs) and Sex Links (for brown eggs). These are the hens used by commercial laying houses as they are egg laying machines. Red Sex Links are sold under a lot of different labels including Isa Brown, Gold Sex Link, Red Star, Gold Star, Golden Comet, Golden Buff, Cinnamon Queen, etc. Black Sex Links, which are my personal favorites as they are very friendly and hardy, egg laying machines, are also sold under the label Black Star. I've raised Black Sex Links for years (along with dozens of other breeds and hybrids), and they have been my best layers, consistently churning out more than 300 large brown eggs per hen per year with double yolks not being uncommon. I have especially been impressed with their egg production in really cold winter weather when my other hens stopped laying. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Whatever breed or hybrid you decide to get, good luck with your flock.
hi I have kapok chickens I have 2 roosters and 3 hens one is bigger than the males and it is not a kapok chiken and I am getting the 2 new hen on the end of the moth will the roosters mate whith the hen
hi I have kapok chickens I have 2 roosters and 3 hens one is bigger than the males and it is not a kapok chiken and I am getting the 2 new hen on the end of the moth will the roosters mate whith the hen

If the rooster is old enough, not a cockeral any more? Crowing? He should go for the girls. Some will be more willing to let him mount, they will squat for him, some may run, he may chase, or just stay with the easy girls. You will have to watch and make sure that he isn't getting the easier ones to much as it really does wear off the feathers and they can actually start getting sores. If he is able to go after them all, it should be fine with that many hens. :)

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