New to BYC


In the Brooder
Aug 31, 2015
Jacksonvile, FL
Hey ya'll,

I'm new to BYC, although I've been reading posts (lurking) for a few months now. We have a small mixed flock of 5 chickens, 2 dogs, and 2 fish. My husband's father is a farmer and butcher by trade, so my husband grew up with livestock and some farming. We lived with my inlaws for 2.5 years earlier in our marriage and decided back in June to start our own adventure in farming. Thank you for the support!

~Momma to a grown man (hubby), a sweet farmer boy, a sassy dirt loving girl, 2 Golden Comets, 2 Araucanas, and 2 Speckled Sussex (down to 1 now :( ), 2 Boston Terriers, and 2 Betta Fish. ~
Welcome to BYC! So glad you could join us!

Farming is a ton of fun! We moved out to a farm 8 years ago and it took some learning, but we're getting the hang of things. One of my favorite parts about it all has to be the chickens.

Best of luck with your flock!
Welcome to BYC!

Feel free to ask questions, jump in on discussions or even just share stories & pictures. You'll find this to be a friendly place with lots of helpful members.

Nice to have you here!

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