New to BYC


6 Years
Oct 1, 2015
Hi everyone I'm armymom824.I have 2 kids,one in the military(son)and one in college (daughter).I've been married for 21 years. I have had chickens for about 2 years now. I live in North Carolina. I've never raised any chickens as pets before. As a child I worked in a chicken house with my mother. That was way different than having your own. I never knew you could love chickens as much as I do. I have Rhode Island Reds and 2 Brahma's. All of them are free range. I let the out everyday except if it's raining really hard. To some they think their just chickens but to me their my babies. Everyone who comes over says that my chickens are not normal. Why? Because when I go down to them they all come running to me. After I give them their treat they try to follow me every where I go lol. Then I can pick them up to love on them. They are the sweetest things. If I had a bad day I go straight to them. My husband says I clean their coop like I do my house lol. Once a week I'll clean their house and put some fresh shavings back in if needed. Then for their yard I'll rake out all the poop and put in garden then give them fresh to dust bath. They love it when I clean their coop. Some people think I'm crazy but doing this makes me forget all about the week. So this is me.

Your coop cleaning schedule sound better than mine... lol!
Welcome to BYC! So glad you could join!

My chickens are my babies too, they love to follow me everywhere. Chickens are awesome! It sounds like yours are very happy and given wonderful care.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have, or just post fun pictures of your flock!

Nice to meet you!
Thank you Gitabooks. I love this sight. Learning more and more things that I didn't know. I'm so glad I found this sight.
Welcome to Backyard chickens, I would like to thank your son for his time in service. Chickens are so therapeutic - some even make nursing home visits.

You'll fit in just fine here, we're all a bit poultry mad. My chickens are my pets too and nothing can shake off a bad day like watching their antics.

Thanks for joining us, it's nice to have you here!

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