New to BYC


10 Years
May 29, 2013
Hi, I'm Lisa, from GA. I have 3 chickens that I've raised from chicks which were hatched in my classroom. They are all so unique.
Love this website! Is it true that eggs can be left unrefrigerated until washed?? How long can they stay out?? What is the best way to wash them? I'm sure I'll have many more questions in the future!
Greetings from Kansas, Lisa, and
! Pleased you joined us! Lots of folks don't even wash their eggs unless they are soiled. I just give mine a quick rinse under tap water to clean them. I try to get mine into the fridge soon after collecting, others may differ. I do think they are okay unrefrigerated for a few days. Good luck to you!
I'm new to this site but have had chickens for years. I don't like to let my eggs in the boxes more than 2 days,sometimes I'm away and can't get them everyday. That's just me.

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