New to chicken killing....

I totally understand your delay. It really isn't easy but you have to get past what you are feeling or what you think she is feeling at the time. I used to dwell on them being scared or stressed with the prep of doing it. But, it's over in a second and really if your calm, they are not so freaked.
DH and I killed a rooster at Christmas. We cut the bottom and the top off of a 4 litre milk jug. We put the rooster in the jug upside down. I held his legs and the handle of the jug. We held him over a bucket. DH slit his throat and quickly opened his mouth and stuck the knife up through the roof of his mouth and into his brain. It killed him instantly. He twitched and stuff but don't let that alarm you, he wasn't really alive.

This was the most humane way to do it for a chicken we were going to eat.
Supposedly the knife in the mouth also helps release feathers for processing. We did this once but I can only do it when dh is here as I can't do that. Some great ideas to try as I ordered 25 meat birds this year. I have always personally used the nails in the stump and a machete.
I killed my Molly this morning. It went better than I thought it would. I covered her head with a little sock,and wrapped her in a towel. She did not even move when I put her body on the board,and her head past the 2 nails.

I did one chop on the neck and it was over. Buired her in our pet cemetery.

Now I just have to tell the kids. They knew it was coming ofcourse,but now it is done.

Thank you for the suggestions. I did cry for a bit,but I know it was for the best.
It is a tough thing to do that is for sure.

I use a cone and throat slit myself. I mentioned that to my FIL and he asked "What you don't have a hatchet?" This coming from the person who let's animals linger long after they should have been put down. My dad chopped the head off of a mean rooster when I was 4 and it traumatized the heck out of me. Ever since I've been freaked out by taking the head off of any living creature. Once they're dead it's okay but when they're alive... Gives me the willies.

So it is a cone and knife.
You did good. She died a quick, humane death.
I have yet to do this myself, but I intend to use the cone and knife. You cut the arteries and avoid cutting their windpipe. They just relax and pass out, then start to flop some as they bleed out. Here is a video:
(start watching at 4:20) Like someone said, it's pretty gross but necessary.

Not only is this kosher, but chickens I've eaten killed this way were more tender. I guess cause of the more peaceful passing. I will for sure be doing this at least once with the chicks I have now unless I can get a good price for the roos. I'm one of those oddballs that will throw something away or give it away before I'll sell it for less than I think it's worth lol. And as pretty as these chicks are, and as big, they should be pretty tasty! They won't get names till I know who is going and who is sticking around.
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