New to Chickens, building a coop. Do I need to insulate it?


5 Years
Sep 25, 2017
Nova Scotia, Canada
I live in Nova Scotia and it gets very cold well below 0 here (-35 with the wind chill a lot of times). Do I need to insulate the coop to keep the chickens alive? and what about frostbite? I have read to keep things dry and ventilated, but is that enough? Also can anyone recommend a water heater to use in the outdoor run? I was thinking of wrapping the outside of the run in plastic for winter months to keep the wind down and leaving the water and food outside so the coop doesn't get wet or a mess of feed. Is that a good idea or should I put it inside the coop for the winter? at night they will be locked up. I'm all new to this and I am getting cute little silkies so I don't want my baby's to freeze! I want to make sure before we start the reno to our shed.
Get cold hardy breeds. I'm not sure silkies fall in that category. Insulation will help keep coop warmer. Most important though is good ventilation, and avoid drafts. ( draft defined as wind blowing directly or semi directly to ruffle chickens feathers) Gentle air flow to remove moisture and ammonia (byproduct of chicken gumdrops) is IDEAL. Keeping water and feed outside is preferred, if you want to minimize moisture from water inside coop. Get a heated dog bowl for water like I use. During night , chickens do not need water and feed as they sleep.
On extremely cold days, if chickens do not want to go outside, then place feed and water inside. Remove for the night.
WISHING YOU BEST... and :welcome


Some ideas for you to consider. Feed does not need to be heated.
Would love to see the inside of that.
Here ya go... Note the interior appears to be your basic blue bucket. the heating element is encased within the bottom lip (you can see the screws in the pic posted above) so the underside appears almost like a typical bottom. You'll also notice the underside of the lid is insulated with styrofoam . It may not be readily apparent but I added two additional nipples to my waterer because... well, just because.

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Here ya go... Note the interior appears to be your basic blue bucket. the heating element is encased within the bottom lip (you can see the screws in the pic posted above) so the underside appears almost like a typical bottom. You'll also notice the underside of the lid is insulated with styrofoam . It may not be readily apparent but I added two additional nipples to my waterer because... well, just because.
Ah, the bucket isn't insulated, that's what I was wondering about.
Thought 3 nipples was stingy and if more could be added easily.
Seems silly to insulate just the lid not to mention ineffectual.
So the heater could be removed/replaced if needed (I had noticed the screws before).
Well, let us know if it works for ya, you've got a good place to try it out,
Pretty Darn Cold over there in ChiTown, I believe this is a new product.

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