New to chickens, can they be raised in Alaska????

Yippeee!!!! I got my first babies...ok they're not chickens, they're ducklings, but they are still babies and are soooo cute. I have 2 black cayugas, 2 magpies, 1 mallard, 1 khaki Campbell. Ok they are also not even mine, they are the kids, they each got one, and they were a wonderful gift from Aimee

Now I just have to do some more studying up on ducks since we all know I had been looking into chickens lately.

They are so cute, I keep going in to check on them and make sure they are all ok. Right now they are all huddled up together and sleeping.

Alrighty I just had to let ya'll know and how happy I am. We've got ducks yeah!!!

Thank you Aimee

OK one of the magpies and the khaki, keeps trying to eat the that normal???
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I did that with some newspaper and sprinkled some food on it. They pecked at it but they still peck at the shavings in other spots. I guess I could cover the entire thing in newspaper until they get more use to the food. I dunno!
Hi! And welcome to Alaska. I havent read the whole thread but I did want to pass on a tip to my Alaskan Bird friends. I had toured a friends bird pens one day when I was at her house, and she had this odd looking stuff on the top of her pens for her chickens,ducks etc.....I had asked her what all that stuff was. And she said that it was fishing line! She had strung fishing line across the tops to keep birds of prey out of her pens. She said it works wonderful and its even comical when the birds dont see it.

It not only looked better than my chicken wire set up but she swore up and down that it works. When hubby gets home we are taking the top we made off and doing the fishing line idea as well.

Nakactress, I noticed you grew up in North Pole? So did I....Off badger Road. Im a lifer except the 12 years I spent in Colorado. We now live just outside of Big Lake/Houston and love it here!
We're not in Alaska but the Panhandle of Idaho and will have many of the same problems keeping chickens that you are experiencing in Alaska. In fact, I was just wondering about eagles after having three of them "visit" us over the Fourth of July. I was out on the deck enjoying the sun when three juveniles spent some time over us soaring on the wind currents. We're still in the coop planning stage but thought, "Oops, something else to think about." I do like the idea of fishing line and will add it to the list of "great BYC ideas."


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