New to Chickens in WA


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 2, 2014
Hi, my name is Sarah and I am new to this whole Chicken thing. I live about 40 miles north of Seattle.

My husband and I were finally able to buy a home that had some land and I knew I needed to find a way to get some chickens - mostly because I find them absurdly cute. After my husband complained about all the bugs in our heavily wooded lot for the 20th time in the first week I told him I had a solution

I decided to go with incubating. I know this seems kinda crazy for a complete beginner, but I'm only a little crazy, promise. My husband's 14 year old son is coming out for his yearly one month visit and I thought it would be both educational AND hopefully cause him to grow more of a bond with his father to experience the chickens hatch.

Since he is due out the third week of July, I ordered an incubator and eggs about two weeks ago. I got the incubator the beginning of last week and the eggs shipped on the 27th. The eggs arrived today (2 day shipping my foot! Thanks USPS). I inspected each egg carefully for damage and then placed them in the incubator as close to fat side up as possible....How do you (on a flat surface) really get it to go fat side up? The eggs are now sitting in their new 21 day home happily toasty and my husband just turned them before he headed to bed (I work nights).

The eggs are 4 easter eggers, 6 assorted bantams, and 1 surprise. I'm really anxious for the 21-22 days to pass!!

Here are a couple photos of my new family!

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The eggs look beautiful, they must have been very well packed. I'm all excited about incubating them and they aren't even mine. I hope you will give an update when they do hatch.
I definitely will! I will be candling at day 10 since where I ordered them from has an 80% guarantee on day 10 that some formation can be seen. I will update then :)
Welcome to BYC, Sarah! I hope you get a good hatch rate from your eggs and will be looking forward to your update on them. Good luck.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with your hatch, that looks like a nice assortment.

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