New to chickens - want to know what we have!


Ok, so it looks like I have an Easter egger, brown leghorn, black Minorca, Ancona, dark Cornish, and two red sex links. I'm only getting five eggs a day though, and besides the Easter eggers with the green egg... Who's laying what? All posts say brown or white eggs but I'm also getting beige eggs?! Thank you!

Ok, so it looks like I have an Easter egger, brown leghorn, black Minorca, Ancona, dark Cornish, and two red sex links. I'm only getting five eggs a day though, and besides the Easter eggers with the green egg... Who's laying what? All posts say brown or white eggs but I'm also getting beige eggs?! Thank you!
Don't know whose is whose, but a pretty grouping.
Don't know whose is whose, but a pretty grouping.

Obviously (as you said), the green egg is from the Easter Egger. The large white egg is likely from the Black Minorca. The smaller white egg is probably either from the Brown Leghorn or the Ancona. The larger, darker brown egg is likely from a Red Sex Link, and the smaller, lighter brown egg is probably from the Dark Cornish. These are of course, just guesses (all except the EE) based on what is typical of the breeds.
Well I know the EE for sure, and I saw the Ancona lay te white, and the red sex link lay the brown. The dark Cornish was up where I found the beige egg so I'm guessing that's hers.

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