New to chickens


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2016
Hello from southern IL. My son had 3 RIR given to him and raised them. Now he gase given them to me on short notice. And advice would help.
Hi and welcome to BYC - seems like you been pushed in at the deep end somewhat!

You'll find lots of info in the Learning Centre, and if you have a specific topic in mind, just type it in the search box - there's a wealth of information on past and present threads.

For now, I'd make sure that the coop is predator proof, get the food your son usually gave them, make sure they have constant access to water, and a place to lay in the coop.

All the best
Hi Simple Survival; glad you joined BYC. I have my first flock also. I find BYC to be a great resource and the members are really generous with their advice. We will both learn a lot this year.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined the flock! First thing, looking at that pic… You're going to need a sturdy, predator proof coop. That structure you have there is a start. Would you start a thread in the Coop and Run section with some pics, then we can advise you further?

Also check out the Learning Centre for more general chicken keeping, feeding etc information:
Welcome to BYC :frow ​ Glad you joined the flock! First thing, looking at that pic… You're going to need a sturdy, predator proof coop. That structure you have there is a start. Would you start a thread in the Coop and Run section with some pics, then we can advise you further?

Also check out the Learning Centre for more general chicken keeping, feeding etc information:
I plan on plywooding the out side up to the top fence and insolate then chipboard the in side the same way. Then a secure door for night. My son tossed the coop together and brought it over so I did have a start on it.

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