new to chickens

Hi there! My husband and I bought a house in December and it came with 7 chickens and we are clueless!! We live in NY and it's getting cold... I have no idea what kind of chickens they are (mostly white; some have a little brown in them too). They are currently in a 10x10 "dog" pen with a small wooden structure. The problem seems to be that they lay eggs inside the "wooden box" so they won't sleep there. Instead they all huddle on top of it at night. I'd love any help you all could give!
:frow:frow :welcome
Man there are a lot of good folks here with a lot of good links. As someone said, tough time of year to take over a flock. Maybe you can just..let... them do what they've been used to until winter is over, by then, you will have gotten some pretty good good ideas as to how you can make things better by either building something, or downsizing. WELCOME! Good luck!
Welcome to Backyard Chickens! We are glad you joined the flock! :welcomeBYC is a helpful site providing all of the information you need to know about poultry. There is always space for members on the BYC roost!
Generally, chickens aren't comfortable sleeping in their nesting box which is supposed to be a private area to lay their eggs. It is in their natural instinct to roost on elevated heights. Some also prefer sleeping on the ground of their coop where they just want warmth in cold or to feel protected from predators in their surroundings. I would definitely recommend buying a coop or getting one built, you never know what predators are around in your area either.

Hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do!
Welcome! A lot of good suggestions and links already. For the immediate concerns I agree to make sure you cover top and also provide some type of windbreak . Put up a 2x4 flat side up or a thick branch to roost on, make sure it’s higher than the nesting boxes. Dry and draft free are important. Access to water, watch for water freezing over and good feed. Then you can look into ideas for coops or some type of housing that will work for you. Many ideas in the coop section, folks have been very creative

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