New to chickens


6 Years
Apr 5, 2013
Hi! We just got our first chicks a week ago. I've been googling questions nonstop ever since we got them. Google always bring up posts from the forum so I decided to join! You all really know chickens!!! We moved out her to the lake from the city about 7 months ago and we are slowly but surely starting the country life we hav always dreamed of having with our kids. It's a lot of work but so rewarding. We have always dreamed of having chickens so we finally got some. We just jumped in feet first and I didn't realize how little we really know about chicken raising. This forum is awesome!!! Can't wait to learn more.
Greetings from Kansas, ILovetheLake, and
! Great to have you aboard! Happy you found BYC and are getting along great with your chickens! Best wishes!
Thank you so much! I'm new to forum posting too. Hope I don't make too many mistakes! I've gotta get the forum thing figured out! :)

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