New to Chickens

I am LOVING watching the updates and progress of your chickies! I am new to chickens, I will be getting my own chickie babies next month, so it is a treat for me to see someone else as new as I am and as enthusiastic!
I have had chickens for years now, but have no guess at all.

We will have to see how they turn out.
Thanks for the support. Most days my kids think moms really lost it now, naming chickens and worried about breeds and such. Here its a chicken mom get over it. One day they will be on the dinner table.
Ok I keep saying keep walking, if you go that way you will look, if you look you will buy, lol. Here is this weeks babies. Black one Penguin, multi is Calypso and buff is Braum Stoker. I took images of their wings too since these are much younger I think days not week even. I noticed that when I put them with my older biddies they learned faster. They are a little herd running around the bathroom. Armat now lets me hold her and all are eating out of my hand. Food can be right in front of them but they love fhe interaction. Will post more later my phone cord got severed the other night and I just now was able to splice. Built a temp pen for my big girls but I really think I got a roo lol with the banded black I have. Tagrst got some pointed feathers emerging. Hard to tell with them being cut. Got a deal thelast 3 cost me only 2.50 ftotal. Will post more pics later
Thanks for the kudos folks. Got a question hope with pics I might get some help. I will try to post a photo but yesterday's photos ended up in sponsor images. Dont know what tab I touched but my screen changed and cant get back to old format. Anyways there are three types of food sold here so far that ive found. One is bird seeds like parakeet, parrot, finch and so on. Second, is pellet ive seen go to pigeons, doves and last a mixed grain. The photo shows each type. Are these ok? Next to fresh weeds, plants such as parsley and scraps like bread and cooked rice im limited until I cant get more help on finding proper food supplies. Here most are fed moldy, gross table scraps. Not mine. I want healthy birds. I don't feed it to our dogs, cats, rabbit or turtle. Im trying to show proper feeding can result in healthy animals. By example I hope to change attitudes on animal care. Are these ok? If I use the pellets and crush them are they ok for babies? Im trying to mimic nature as best as I can. Most here let them forage but feed table scraps.
ok tried to post it sould not load could be internet lag but look in my album I will try that way
I would pick either the mixed grain, or the pellets.

Maybe, just the mixed grain. And I would consider seeing if you could sprout any grains.

Even if they are only barely sprouted it greatly increases the food value.

The crushed pellets would be easiest for the little chicks.
Great I will give sprouting a try. Seems today they have all figured out im momma hen. I let them run the bathroom for exercise and every time I open the door they come running to see what I have. My biggest baby climbed up onto my shoulder today. I love having them tame, it lets kids enjoy them and makes excellent teaching to young kids when birds are relaxed. They got another day of sunshine and are cheeping quietly under their blanket with the other caged birds. Up with the chickens and to bed with the cows is my life now. I stay up late I feel it the next day. Plus since we have no central heat and nights are still cool, they sleep in my room so they wake me early soon as they hear the roos outside crowing. None of my older two are doing anything obvious yet and they are approaching that age to start crowing or eggs so time will tell. Will get pics tomorrow of them for updates since I was busy yesterday.
Picked up more mixed grain and some cracked corn as well. They tried yogurt, rice, weeds, fresh parsley, oatmeal, bread and today egg. Egg and rice seem to be their favs so far. Yogurt what a mess lol, glad they where in the bathroom. None liked oranges. Today I went up to take photos of the two big ones and let our dog smell them. He was licking them to death. But he is a puppy so I do need to watch him, overzealous could lead to a nip. But anyways here is Tagrst and Amwan at 3 1/2 months. They have really grown. If I cant post look in album something happened the other day and posting photos got odd. Ok not working. Check album.

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