New to duck incubation, and I need a little help.


I must be crazy!
13 Years
Oct 5, 2007
My Coop
My Coop

This is the first time that I have incubated duck eggs. I have some that are due to hatch on Saturday and those look great! I am a little concerned with what the humidity should be for the last 3 days. The ones that I am most concerned about are some eggs that are on day 12 (today.) Last night I candled and several look like twins.
Is this normal that the swimmers look like 2 babies? Basically I am seeing 2 dark spots that look like the eyes and then the lighter area that is tissue. And I am seeing 2 of these.

Are the "twin" eggs larger than the other eggs in the batch? My experience is in chickens, but
they could be double yolkers. And hatching twins is possible, but complicates the process.

My first duck hatch is also due on Saturday. They are Grey Calls & Aussie Spotted Ducks.
YAY Mine is due on Sat as well. I have 5 pekin eggs

You might just be seeing different parts of the chick when you candle. But I would really keep an eye on them if you are suspicious of them being "twins" Check out youtube for the lady who hatched a double yolker. One lived and one died so its a very risky business trying to hatch those.

Good luck on everyones hatches this weekend. Maybe we should have our own Easter ducky hatch thread
I raise my humidity to 70-75% for the last 3 days for my BEI's. That is what works best for me but you can ask 10 people and get 10 different answers. The way I look at a duck that gets wet from swimming and then goes and sits on the eggs for three days, is going to have a higher humidity than a chicken would. Good luck to you. Always take good notes. So the next time you will know what worked and what didn't work for you.
I can't wait!

Speaking of youtube, I looked for duck candling... and this is pretty much what I am seeing.

destinducks- thanks for the vote of confidence. These are my first ducks, but on all my other hatches:
Weekend/Home all day = SLOW hatch
Working/Out of house = Pip, Zip, & Hatch in no time.
Even my geese were this way!

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