New to ducks..............


7 Years
May 28, 2012
Bolivar, Ohio
I have been raising chickens and peeps for a few years, but never dabbled in ducks. I have a nice little pond of about 2 acres, but it concerns me a little as it is an old strip mine pond. The water is fairly acidic when tested. Lots of frogs live in there and there is plenty of vegetation, but I am not sure if ducks would, or should drink it, or live in there.

Any thoughts?
I have been raising chickens and peeps for a few years, but never dabbled in ducks. I have a nice little pond of about 2 acres, but it concerns me a little as it is an old strip mine pond. The water is fairly acidic when tested. Lots of frogs live in there and there is plenty of vegetation, but I am not sure if ducks would, or should drink it, or live in there.

Any thoughts?
Do you ever see wild water fowl in your pond? That may answer your question. Seems water fowl would be drawn to a pond and frequent it if it's healthy and will sustain them. We have well water that's acidic and my water fowl haven't been hurt by it. I guess maybe have it tested? see were it falls in acidity
I never see wild ducks land there, but it is hard to see from the air because of thick woods, and it is also very close to the house and barn so probably not very attractive to wild ducks. Like I said, frogs are in there by the millions. I put some catfish in there that I caught last year. I haven't ever seen any of them, but never say any floating either. is a long skinny banana shaped pond that wraps around my property. The end is by the barn and would make a great place for a fence and duck house.
I never see wild ducks land there, but it is hard to see from the air because of thick woods, and it is also very close to the house and barn so probably not very attractive to wild ducks. Like I said, frogs are in there by the millions. I put some catfish in there that I caught last year. I haven't ever seen any of them, but never say any floating either. is a long skinny banana shaped pond that wraps around my property. The end is by the barn and would make a great place for a fence and duck house.
Well you could bring some home if it doesn't work with the pond then there is always a kiddy pool. Might be able to find some info on line about what PH is healthy for water fowl and what isn't.
The ducks should be able to swim in the pond. Hope for the best! New ducks are the best, be sure to share some pictures if/when you get some.

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