New to ducks!

The little duckies are growing at a nice rate. I had to upgrade their "house" from the 20 gal tote to a 35 gal one. Hopefully that'll last them another week or so
Before you know it they'll have their own bedroom..
Don't forget pics!! and lower temps 5* each week in their brooder.
I worked from home for a bit today and I could hear them peeping rather loudly in the other room. I put them in a small box and took them into my "office" and set them where they could watch me while I worked. They went back to their content peeps. I think they are getting used to me being around.

Unrelated video ;)

I worked from home for a bit today and I could hear them peeping rather loudly in the other room. I put them in a small box and took them into my "office" and set them where they could watch me while I worked. They went back to their content peeps. I think they are getting used to me being around.

Unrelated video ;)

They are very cute! I didn't realize you got a crested. I love the puffs and have one too. Just keep an extra eye on that little one since crests are a gene mutation. It's worth reading up on. Spending as much time as possible with them will help tame them down. Keep the pics and videos coming.
The crested one does seem a bit special; as in short bus.
I'll read up on the mutation. These were mixed ducks, but from their colors and body sizes I think I have two rouens, that kaki crested, a blue swedish, and maybe the all black one is a cayuga. ...or maybe they are all mutts, lol. The store got them from Ideal.

They are definitely calming down. They don't run scared when I put my hands in their brooder anymore. Today they actually started nibbling at my hands as I was moving stuff around in there, lol...
I noticed that they have gotten so big that they can't really get their bills into the small waterer anymore so I got a 1 gallon dog dish for them. It's deep enough that they can practically submerge their whole head. The brick keeps them from trying to swim in it and splash all the water out. At first I didn't put the brick in; that only took about 30min for them to splash the entire gallon out

They are three weeks old now. Still growing! lol... I built a pen for them to run around outside. I put them out in the morning and bring them in at sundown. Next project is to build a house for them so that they can stay out there. They're out growing the house ;)

Been awhile since I updated this thread... Here they are trying out their new deluxe above-ground pool with deck, lol.


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