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Jun 18, 2018
North Dakota
My name is Jenn and I live in North Dakota.

This chicken thing got started with a neighbor making a deal with my 12yo daughter to raise some chickens his daughter was going to abandon when she moved. He was going to provide the coop and chickens and in exchange, she was going to give him eggs. I was ambivalent, I loved having chickens when we lived on a farm and they are great entertainment, but now we live in a small town. We do have a large property, but the winters are brutal and there are a lot of predators. It is a tiny, rural town in the middle of nowhere.

So time went along, no coop, no chickens. Well it turns out the daughter sold said chickens, so the neighbor, feeling bad, said he would find her some chickens since he got her all excited. Weeks went by, no coop, no chickens. He's a farmer, he's busy, I get it, Dolly does not.

So my husband and I discussed it and decided to get a little coop and a couple hens, maybe she could join 4-H later, we could get some pest control and entertainment, and so it started. I am, once again, hooked on chickens.

(1)(2) I am not new to chickens, though it has been many years since I had them. We recently acquired 15 chicks while on vacation in Indiana, 13 made it home. We are currently using a small, pre-fab coop, but have plans to build a larger, more practical coop before fall.

(3) These new chicks are supposed to be Silver Laced Cochins, I've never had this particular breed, but examples I've seen are beautiful.

(4) Quick search of the web led me here, I tend to obsess over my hobbies and need to read stuff from like minded people.

(5) My hobbies are gardening, kayaking, reading, and I'm a soap maker with a small business. I don't sit still long.

(6) I'm happily married for 21 years with 5 children. We matriculated out here from Michigan about 9 years ago and haven't regretted our choice. We are true North Dakotans now:)

Thank you for having me.
awesome clear.gif
enjoy byc farmer connie.jpg

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