New to geese


Smothered in Feathers
11 Years
May 14, 2013
Central, PA
Hi everyone! Well, i walked into the feed mill yesterday and was greeted by a peeping bin of little toulouse goslings. I've been interested in getting a couple goslings but i was considering Chinese geese. These little guys were just so adorable and when the mill worker told me that they got them in by mistake (were expecting ducklings) and that they were 50% off, i couldn't resist and brought these 2 home. Welcome Sunshine and Lollipop (named by my daughter).




They are the sweetest little things. They had just gotten in to the feed store yesterday so they were still very young and already seem to have imprinted on us. They don't really want to snuggle, but they will follow us all over the house when we have them out of the brooder. We plan to take them outside to pay in the yard tomorrow.

Is there anything i need to do special with them? I raised a few muscovy ducks but this is my first time with goslings. I have them in the brooder with chicks and turkeys. They don't seem interested in the fermented feed but are more than happy to try to eat everyone's tail and wing feathers. Should i make them their own brooder? They will eventuality be housed with the chickens and muscovies when they move outside.

Any tips, tricks, or info you'd like to share, please do!
Thank you for your above :) i did set up a brooder just for them a few days ago. They've been swimming (supervised) and on field trips outside. I'm starting to think that they're not toulouse though. I believe that they may be African. What do you think?








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