New to incubating and hatching help!!!


Apr 15, 2016
Hi everyone! I am a newbie when it comes to incubating and hatching eggs ,raised plenty of chicks and chickens no problem,but this is becoming sad for me. I have a still air incubator my first batch of eggs are now 22 days in (black Astrolops) the first chick pip at day 20 but 26 hours later had still not hatched. I notices he had stopped moving around so I went to intervene after reading many post on when and if I should. After pulling back the shell it was apparent he was gone. His yoke was still in tack as well. He was a little slimy but I read that was normal. Now I have another egg that is pip and hasn't started to zip yet!! I can hear it chirp from time to time, we are 13hours out now. I don't want what happened to the first to happen to this little guy. Should I intervene earlier this time or let it be?

Incubator temp between 99-100degrees
Humidity between 43%-56% daily
Not much you can do right now without jeopardizing the other eggs. The membrane is very soft and pliable, like skin on a raspberry (if you can imagine that) when the humidity drops even for 30 seconds it changes to a cellophane type material and will trap the chick in the egg. At day 21 there isn't much you can safely do for them I would just wait and see let nature take its course

Hope the others go well!
I'm not sure if you have or not, but with chicks hatching you should have increased your humidity to at least 75%. If you forgot to increase your humidity - that's your problem. If a chick's pip isn't Malpositioned than I try not to help. In my experience, a chick that needs help getting out of the egg has some form of deformity.

You said "he had stopped moving around". If he was already zipping he shouldn't have had any issues getting out unless the humidity was to low and the membrane fused to the chick.
Hi everyone! I am a newbie when it comes to incubating and hatching eggs ,raised plenty of chicks and chickens no problem,but this is becoming sad for me. I have a still air incubator my first batch of eggs are now 22 days in (black Astrolops) the first chick pip at day 20 but 26 hours later had still not hatched. I notices he had stopped moving around so I went to intervene after reading many post on when and if I should. After pulling back the shell it was apparent he was gone. His yoke was still in tack as well. He was a little slimy but I read that was normal. Now I have another egg that is pip and hasn't started to zip yet!! I can hear it chirp from time to time, we are 13hours out now. I don't want what happened to the first to happen to this little guy. Should I intervene earlier this time or let it be?

Incubator temp between 99-100degrees
Humidity between 43%-56% daily
First let me address temps. In a still air, it should be 101-102 at the tops of the eggs. And I would consider running a low humidity incubation the first 17 days if you find that a lot of the chicks/eggs have excess fluid in it. I recommend this method for styros especially:

Now for assisting, unless there is signs of duress, (very weak chick, fluids coming from the pip whole, chicks breathing bubbles, ect) I give them 18 hours before widening the pip and checking on the chick and position. If everything looks good I put them bac and giethem until 24 hours before I actually start a full on assist.

If you need help you can find a lot of hands on hatchers (people that do assist and open the bator at hatch time,) over here:
Ok quick update , so far two more little fella's have hatched all own their own and are doing well. They are very strong and are trying to get out of the incubator. I read that I should leave them in the incubator for at least 24 hours before putting them in my brooder. I hope that is correct. Trying to wait and see if the other 6eggs are going to make it.
Ok quick update , so far two more little fella's have hatched all own their own and are doing well. They are very strong and are trying to get out of the incubator. I read that I should leave them in the incubator for at least 24 hours before putting them in my brooder. I hope that is correct. Trying to wait and see if the other 6eggs are going to make it.
That's a personal decision.There is no right or wrong. Some don't take out chicks until the hatch is over, some take them out once they are dry and some of us move them out as they hatch and become active.
Good luck on the rest!

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