New to Modern Game Bantam Questions


12 Years
Sep 5, 2007
San Antonio, TX
I have always wanted this breed and ordered some hatching eggs and have the following questions for my fellow BYC members.

1: When incubating are the temperature and humidity levels any different than standard breed size chickens? Are they also 28 days?

2: From what I read these are really sweet little birds. Like how sweet are they? If I end up with multiple roosters do they all get a long? Or am I to expect a little fight between them?

3: What type of chicken feed is best for them since they are not great layers? My chicken experience is only with large breed chickens.

4: Do they enjoy a big chicken run, with low perches or high perches? Are they flighty, do they wonder?

Thanks in advance -- Yvette
A. Same, 20 to 21 days.
B. Very small tame birds, usually nonagressive but hold them often to help w/temperment
C. Just regular complete food, for exhibition do a high protein diet.
D. All chickens like big runs, they are a game breed so they are naturally flighty so just enter their run without waving your arms like a crazy person and they should be fine...others say these are nice and tame birds.
I have always wanted this breed and ordered some hatching eggs and have the following questions for my fellow BYC members.

1: When incubating are the temperature and humidity levels any different than standard breed size chickens? Are they also 28 days?

2: From what I read these are really sweet little birds. Like how sweet are they? If I end up with multiple roosters do they all get a long? Or am I to expect a little fight between them?

3: What type of chicken feed is best for them since they are not great layers? My chicken experience is only with large breed chickens.

4: Do they enjoy a big chicken run, with low perches or high perches? Are they flighty, do they wonder?

Thanks in advance -- Yvette
Thanks for the info. From web surfing I'm reading a lot of people keep these as outside / inside birds. Are their crows loud? I know crowing in general are loud but every now and then you get some that just have a short and sweet crow or barely one at all.
Actually, I have to disagree with them being flighty. When you go in the pen to feed, you have to be careful not to step on them, as they are so tame. That is, of course, if you fool with them a lot from hatch. They are naturally a tame breed and easy to train. That's why they are so popular for kids to show.

The crowing is just as loud as any other rooster, split your eardrums if you are standing next to them.

I don't think the roosters would get along very well. I've never had more than one mature rooster per pen, though so I can't say for sure.

They don't like to eat the egg layer pellets. The pieces are too big for them. So, a crumble is a good choice. They need some vitamin A in their feed to keep them from picking on their feathers.
The smaller the bird, the higher in pitch, but the lower in volume (note I did not say quiet!). In general, the very loud, but low pitched crowing of huge roosters is less annoying than the shrill crows of a small breed rooster, even though it is not AS loud. I would definitely not call them a flighty breed. Roosters are good at protecting their flock, but htat is not the same as flightiness.

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