New to quails, need HELP !!!


In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2015
I got a button quail from a friend 3 days ago. He's 5 months old and I hold him in a tank, he has food, water, hiding places and a cloth over the tank for his jumping (still need to get a sandbox). I've noticed he's very restless at night, he tries jumping out and walks around as if he's trying to walk out of the tank, it's very noisy and keeps me up because he jumped out once and I had trouble catching him, I don't want him to hurt himself as my room is small and very full of bits and pieces. I cover his cage for the night but he still does it :( what could be the reason ? Also how long will it take him to get used to me and not get a heart attack every time I put in my hand ? I adore him but don't really understand his behaviour please help :( !
Congrats on the new bird!

Quail do well in large rabbit cages (good ventilation). Offer it a perch or maybe a pen to exercise in during the day. Quail can make awesome pets. It might not feel safe because it feels alone? Sit near the bird, in a small room, and read quietly out-loud. It should learn not to fear you soon.

Best of luck!

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