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May 27, 2016
South Phoenix
Hello all I'm new to BYC. I'm full of questions. I'm in Phoenix Arizona and I have 8 chicken that have atop laying for about 1 month now . Is this common ? Do chickens stop laying in the winter- even Phoenix winter"lol"
G’Day from down under meetta

Living in Aus I am not familiar with your Phoenix winter but I have seen many, many recent posts on BYC about chickens not laying and the majority of responses are that it is due to the current season and fewer daylight hours. Supplemental coop lighting has been suggested on some.

Anyways, you might want to say hello on your local thread where others going through the same thing can set your mind at ease: ‘Find your State’s thread.
It's normal at times for chickens to stop or slow down in laying during the colder seasons and while they are molting since more energy goes into regrowing feathers and there can be less sunshine during the winter season.

Also welcome to BYC.

@LadyVictorian is spot on about laying slowing down or even stopping during the winter months. With the longer days, your girls laying should start to pick up and you'll be getting their lovely eggs again soon.

Thanks for joining us!

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