New to the board


7 Years
Apr 15, 2015
San Diego
Hello, all!
Just joined as we are anticipating getting three hens for the backyard of our little house in San Diego. The website is a wonderful resource! I look forward to hitting you all up for info once we pull the trigger!
Good morning and welcome to BYC!

What kind of chickens are you getting?

Good luck to you and have fun with them!
Welcome to BYC, OldFrenchy. Glad you decided join our flock. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. What kind of hens are you getting?
glad you have joined us. And congratulations on your decision to get your own flock.

I would encourage you to get prepared before they arrive to take Kelsie2290's advice to visit the learning center articles. Especially to have everything in place for the arrival.

Good luck in your new adventure, feel free to ask questions.
I have had chickens for quite a few years even though I have only just joined this website! I recommend getting chickens to anyone I meet because, as well as being good for eggs, they are amazing pets as well! Chickens are definitely my favourite animals! The general looking after of chickens is actually much easier then it seems, even though there is always stuff I'm still learning about chickens that I didn't know before! Speckled Sussex are beautiful chickens. I've never had one myself, but my neighbours have and when I've looked after them, they have been a joy. I hope you decide to get them and enjoy looking after them and becoming a fellow chicken enthusiast!:D

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