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In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2018
Akeley, mn
Hey guys, just wanted to say hi. I got my first chicken today. She's a brown speckled suxxes. My mom picked up 5 others to hang out with. 2 black barred rocks, and 3 isa browns. Right now they stay in a bin in the living room. Never thought I'd have a chicken in the house, lol. I gotta say I'm kinda excited for this little adventure. I also bought my first package of bees this year. They arrive on 5-5. This is going to be an interesting year. I'm sure you will see me posting questions, I've been doing research but its nice to be able to talk to someone once in a while about things. Ttyl
One of the Lil girls has pasty butt??? Looks like she is having some issues going. Stool seems hard and sticking. We were doing some reading and got some grit this morning. Read an article that said soak her bottom in warm water??
G'Day from down under Mechtel.... :frowWelcome and Congratulations! :clap

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Hey guys, just wanted to say hi. I got my first chicken today. She's a brown speckled suxxes. My mom picked up 5 others to hang out with. 2 black barred rocks, and 3 isa browns. Right now they stay in a bin in the living room. Never thought I'd have a chicken in the house, lol. I gotta say I'm kinda excited for this little adventure. I also bought my first package of bees this year. They arrive on 5-5. This is going to be an interesting year. I'm sure you will see me posting questions, I've been doing research but its nice to be able to talk to someone once in a while about things. Ttyl
Hi there, our family just brought 6 two week old chicks, 2 Barred Rocks, an easter egger, a buff orpington, 2 Rhode Island Reds. we are in Love. I have lots ofquestions, when do they go from the incubator setting to out in the coop? We are going to need to get a larger cage for inside real soon, we placed a couple of poles and they fall asleep on them. When can we give them food aside from the baby food? So many questions, any insight I would appreciate.
Well, I'm learning as I go. I don't have any clue really. I wish I had a bunch of info for ya. I've been reading books, you tube, google, and of course BYC. I thought this morning my suxxes was dying. I checked them this morning and she was on her back. I flipped her over and started giving her the water we give them with an eye dropper. We mix up "save-a-chick" in there water. I come home from work and she is doing very well. Running around, eating and drinking. Idk??? What was going on with her. All I can really suggest to you is research, and talk to others. It will be a while before ours get to go outside. I live in northern Minnesota. Akeley, mn. Yeah, totally bogus spring this year. I hope yours do well and anything you learn feel free to pass on. I need all the help I can get

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