New to this but love my chickens already

this is what I have set up for them I only have 4
Do they get to free range in your yard? Its a nice set up. You may want to put up a roosting pole so they have something to perch on when they sleep. They like to roost like other birds when they sleep.
Well I just wrapped my kids trampoline with a metal mesh so they have a that too but I so let them out for a few hours a day
They seem to be OK with the weather here in texas. How many chickens do you have and what do you feed yours I feed my a layer feed but I really want all natural chickens and I'm not to sure how much I true Purina brand
Hi and a warm welcome to BYC. Seems like you have some great advice already. As for the feed you mentioned - sorry, i live in Kenya and so I can't really comment on that.

All the best

Always feel free to ask questions, we were all new once. x2 on the Learning Center Michael O'Shay gave you the link to. There is an entire section of it devoted to getting started with chickens.

Good luck!
Wow Kenya that's cool what do you feed your chickens and would love to see pictures of your chickens

We have the same types of chicken feed as elsewhere - starter, growers, layers mash, but everything is more geared up for commercial activities than keeping them at home - every household in rural Africa has backyard chickens although normally they are left to fend for themselves.

Heres a photo of a few of my 22 birds

The grey one is a "local" chicken - she's the alpha hen. The brown one is a commercial dual purpose bird that eats like a trooper and the two white ones in the background are ones i bred myself - they and their three sisters are just starting to lay. In a week or so, i should be up to around 8-9 eggs per day which is ok.

All the best

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