new to this, help! :(


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 25, 2012
so I've found various eggs. I think a few are even chicken eggs, the others belong to various types of ducks. Anyway I'm incubating all of them together. Heres what I've learned/exeprienced:

Day one all I see is yolks and somtimes I can't even see the airsac! so away they go

I dubed 8 eggs to be "yolkers" and tossed them out. They came from a "nest" that appeared to be abandoned, all the eggs were cold. I kept them for about 2 weeks, zero development/change in any of them the entire time. It was odd to me that ALL of them were "Yolkers" Oo a few of them didn't move when I moved the egg I opened them up, all yolks and the ones that didn't move were like jello ew.

I had 7 more. from oldest to newest:

1. (dunno how old this is I dind't start keeping track until the other day) It had a... O in it. about double the size of this text size. Not a blood ring (I don't think anyway) it appeared solid. 2 days later I looked at it again and the little dot was gone, the yolk was huge the airsac stayed the same though. It seems like I can see SOMETHING in there but not sure what. Possible veins even. I dunno... definately different than what I saw two days ago!

2. had the same dot but smaller. Probably about the size of O < that. two days later (today) it looks like it's forming a blood ring :( but I keep him just in case.

3. I thought this was an odd egg two days ago. Weird shadow near the air sac, Could possibly be a dot in there like the others but I couldn't really tell... today theres a giant blood ring. We keep him... just incase. (btw these blood rings move around with the yolk. I dunno if that makes a difference???)

4. Ah my favorite two days ago. It looked like here was a light inside the egg lol. Very weird! I couldn't tell if there was a spot next to the "light" or not. Today the yolk is very dark, more round, and "put together" with much less movement to it. the air sac practically doubled in size. could be a yolker who knows. we wait some more :)

5. SOMETHING was moving inside. couldn't tell what or even get a shape, today (two days later) it looks like the yolk is broken! I'm almost positive of it. Can yolks break inside the egg like that??? I keep him cuz I don't know :/

6. Limited movement of yolk this was day ONE for this egg. No air sac that I could see. Today the air sac is visible, looks like small dot inside the egg but hard to tell. I'm thinking these "Dots" are a bad sign! (today is day 3)

7. I saw a weird shadow move around with small air sac visible. today he has a dot and air sac is larger (today is day..3)

8 had limited movement two days ago, and the egg had spots all over it. today there was no sign of change either in yolk or air sac, the spots seem less visible but that could just be me. (today is day 3)

9, 10, 11, 12 are all on day one today.

9 has a moving air sac. like it's loose or something.

10, 11, and 12 all have visible air sacs and look like they have two air sacs, although I know this isn't the case I thought I"d mention it. It's like a ring within a ring. :)

I super appreciate anyone who actually read all of that. I know this is for CHICKENS but eggs are eggs right? This is my first time incubating. I'm only doing it because kids keep taking the eggs :/ I'd rather them hatch so I'm doing my best.

Egg 5 had the broken yolk.. what can be said about this?

egg 1 doesn't appear to have a blood ring but the yolk seems much larger. I wish I had taken a note of the yolk size before but I didn't. Does this sound like a healthy egg?

the ones with blood rings.... should I keep them just in case? I"m sorry I don't know how old they are. I'm new at this and will take better notes as I learn.

If you want photos I can take some. I took some two days ago and I can take more today/tomorrow if anyones interested. Thanks for ANYONES time who has input on my situation.

egg one first photo, unknown age

Egg 1, photo 2 and 3 taken at the same time 2 days later.

Egg 2 first photo

egg 2 photo 2 taken 2 days later

egg 3 first photo

egg 3 second photo two days later

egg 4 first photo

egg 4 second photo taken 2 days later

egg 5 first photo

egg 5 second photo taken 2 days later

egg 6 first photo

egg 6 second photo taken 2 days later

egg 7 first photo

egg 7 second photo taken 2 days later

egg 8 first photo

egg 8 second photo taken 2 days later

These aren't very good photos I'm stil learning how to use our camera.... I couldn't get clear images of what I see for you to see. Egg 4 and 5 both appear to have broekn yolks. You can see yellow freely floating. Egg one I'm hoping is good but I dunno they all look bad to me :/
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thanks... my blood ring kinda looks like that photo of a healthy egg maybe there is hope!
oops egg 6s' first photo is actually just another picture of egg 4.... I guess I don't have a pic for egg 6 on a first photo sorry!!
Its a little early to throw any eggs away! the earliest I will toss an egg is about day 12 and only if it Clear with no development! Good luck on your hatching!

Yea I haven't thrown out any. I'm hopeful something will hatch. most of these are duck eggs. I know their developement is slower than chicken eggs. I hate seeing the yolks go from round well formed to oval it makes me think it's not doing so well. egg 4 also apears to have a broken yolk. Does anyone know why this is happening? egg 5 looks very sloshy. it's possible these came from the same nest but I'm not sure. I should keep track of these things lol. and like I said before i don't know how old half these eggs are. I'm thinking egg 1 is about a week maybe a week n half old.
btw those circles I drew are the sizes of the dots as they formed. like on egg four there was that little dot in the center of the yolk so I marked it, then it grew, and now it's that giant oval..... none distinguishable from the yolk.
ok so I'm at a loss.... again.... I threw out egg 5 and... egg 8 they had no dev. since I took those pictures. Egg 1 (and a couple others I can't rmember which 3 and possibly 2) have these black spots! but they aren't round they are in the shape of a c in one of them it doesn't move in the others they move when I move the egg. also, egg 4 is getting very dark in half of the egg. Egg 1 is also dark. is this bad or good? egg 2 and egg 3 both had blood rings at one point egg 2 doesn't seem to be developing and egg 3 I think is the one that has that black thing. it came AFTER the blood ring. I'm so confused! I think they died :/ Egg 7 is developing as I thought they should. It has veins it's growing and changing. It's very clearly alive. these others are changing I see them getting darker and darker but I haven't seen veins like egg 7. I can see where the blood ring has moved and expanded to form lines instead of a ring and a black spot. Egg one never had a blood ring but it's getting darker and the black spot doesn't seem to have anything growing out of it like veins.

These black spots used to be red.... I thought maybe that was the birdy growing but never saw the veins come along. I'm starting to think all I have is one good egg. Although I believe egg 9 is growing how it should egg 10 11 12 have zero development. I can try to take pictures of these spots but it will hvae to be later. If this sounds familiar to anyone please tell me what you think is going on... I wish I knew someone local who knew what to look for.

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