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It is wonderful that you can talk to Davy and that he can share such wondrous things. I am thankful to God that He has kept him alive and brought him this far. I pray for his continued improvement and for the well-being of you and your family.

All the best,
I pray that things are going great today. I hope your trip home yesterday went well and that you feel refreshed after getting out for a little while.
I'm gonna cry!

She's worried about me...

Even with Davy in the hospital...
Dangit I love this flock of ours.

Alley, thanks for asking. And thanks for offering prayers.

I've been sick with DS's cold, so I finally called the doctor. Because I was coughing up weird coloured stuff and am asthmatic, he told me to go to the ER...I left about 20 past twelve and I just got home at quarter to 9...

Triage, where they weed out the really bad ones from the ones who can stew for a while, had a 2 and half hour wait...

Being a cardiac patient also, I got triaged in about an hour. Yeah!

Then I waited and waited and waited and waited and waited...
then I waited some more...

I got my temp, O2, and BP taken finally...then back to the waiting room...

I am the only one there who doesn't have ANYONE sitting near them...I wheezed when I breathed in. I gasped when I breathed out. I coughed like my lungs were gonna hop onto the floor...

At about 4 I was taken out back and had blood drawn. I got 2 nebulizer treatments which seemed to help some. A bit later I got Xrayed too...

Back to the waiting room...

Mind you, it's a Monday, a long weekend, the weather's been crappy, and*I'M* was standing room only.

I'm parked in a corner in a wheelchair...still hacking up gunk.
Yeah me!

FINALLY at 20 past 7, I get put into a bed in the wait some more...

Ernie by now has called twice and is :thun
The phone is off the hook or busy at home and he's ready to loose his mind...AND my phone needs to be charged AND there's no service in the ER.

The doctor finally comes least he's cute. LOL
I get examined and he gives me the lowdown.
No fluid in the lungs
Blood gasses are fine.
You're still wheezing...(No clue, Cleophis)
No pneumonia, but we'll give you some antibiotics and some prednisone and another nebulizer. Because there may still be an infection in there.

8 hours and three Rx later, I am home to a kitchen that looks likes Sherman's March to the Sea...

Mike mad himself hash and it's on the stove and on the floor and just everywhere and he just informed me that he managed to catch his hash on fire, but only a little...that's sorta like being a little pregnant...dontcha think?

The phone was busy because he was making plans with one of his "girlfriends"...

So if anyone's looking for me, this is where I'll be hiding under the bed.

I've heard that when a person is very sick and may be close to the edge, someone who's already passed can come and give advice or help. They usually know that it's not the sick person's time yet and will toss em back.
Jesus is awesome. I am go glad Davy has had turn around. I have been keeping up and praying just haven't posted so much. It really blesses my heart that things are better. Take care and we will keep praying and trusting. Julie

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