New Way to watch an Embryo Grow Try#4 (Last Video)

The egg will be moved to a butter container and sprinkle calcium from ground up egg shells onto the yoke and white then add plastic wrap on top with airholes.
How that sound?
The problem is that although eggs are porous, they also have a protective coating so that germs can't get in, if you pierce holes in the plastic, it'll breathe but all manner of bacteria will start to make it go off. Perhaps you need to find something similar in the material world to replicate the egg. It needs to be able to breathe but relatively water tight.
Ooooh like pottery. If you coated the inside of an earthenware pot (unglazed obviously)with something to seal it (so the egg doesn't absorb into it) up to the level the egg went to, then covered the top with cling film, the pot above the egg is porous so can breathe.
Just make sure its sterilized first, so there's no bacteria to kill the embryo.
Interesting. I once saw when I was searching the internet about egg development, where a person had just cut a window out of the egg. That would allow air exchange and also allow you (and us) to view the chick develop.
I am going to try Kordon breathing bag... it should allow gas exchange but maintain moisture level. They are used for shipping fish and they have tested them with some fish for several weeks. The bag is a membrane that allows oxygen in, CO2 out, and keeps the liquid inside. Here's a link to their website.
There is a serious issue with sterility that will kill the egg. The inside of an egg is a sterile environment. I have seen this done by cracking the egg into a sterile petri dish and covering with a sterile but breathable membrane (like tagaderm clear wound covering). BUT the embryo needs the calcium from the shell to develop. Calcium is used in so many functions, such as bone formation, muscle movement (calcium channels in muscle cells, the heart won't beat if it doesn't have enough calcium), etc. Windowing i.e. removing a small piece of shell and covering with a clear, sterile, breathable membrane (tegaderm) would allow the embryo to still access most of the calcium in the shell, give you a place to look, AND remain sterile (if you use proper technique, not just washing your hands

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