New York Times chicken article

...especially in cities, where raising chickens has become an emblem of extreme foodie street cred...


Thanks for posting the article, tuna. And I love your username!​
Its safe to say that when an article appears in the NYT - it's news.

Interestingly, there is nothing new about backyard chickens - it has been done for a very long time in this country. In fact, there have been several distinct movements along these lines in times passed. It has captured OUR imaginations, now, and we add all sorts of New Age descriptives, like "self reliance" and "back to the land." But it's not new at all.

That it appears in a publication like the New York Times can only bode well for "the movement," however. Now that this story has come out, expect yet another rush of new chickeneers here at BYC.
Thats a good thing.
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It's a new word!

Kinda like pioneer with chickens.

So I guess Nifty and Cyn are some of the first chickeneers here!
raising chickens has become an emblem of extreme foodie street cred

I am an extreme foodie with street cred now?


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