
Hi - thinking about relocating to Crossville and cannot find info on poultry restrictions. What areas are poultry restricted? What areas are poultry allowed? I don't want to buy property where I cannot relocate my flock with me. thanks. On the Speckled Sussex, I'd contact the online hatcheries. They hatch frequently throughout the year.
We love Crossville. In town chicken are not permitted. Outside of the city limit in the county there is no restrictions that we know about, unless an HOA restricts them. We are not part of one so we have no restrictions.
Thanks for the info. I called Town Hall and learned a couple of areas in the county that restrict farm animals are Fairfield Glade and Lake Tansi Resorts. I did a fair amount of research before deciding to early retire, cash out the equity in my MA home and move to a community that seems to be the way America used to be. Maybe I'm romanticizing, but from what I have researched, that describes Crossville.
Yes, indeed. We too were looking to find "Mayberry" and it is pretty sweet here. Patriotic, front porch sitting, hand waving and lots of chatting with folks who treat you like they have known you all their life. :) God Bless you and yours as you make your way. Sincerely.

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