
Bobbies Chicks

Jun 6, 2016
Hi everyone, I'm Bobbie. I have had chickens for a little over one year. I have Americanas? Easter eggers? My 5 hens lay some green, some pale blue and one lays champagne pink. Every now and then I get an egg that is bantam small or smaller. One was small enough to fit into a plastic green easter egg. I keep the plastic egg in one nest because all the chicks were trying to lay eggs under my hen that was brooding trying to hatch some fertile eggs. This spring I got 6 babies hens free just by purchasing 50 lb of chick starter. They are leghorns I think. I made the mistake of putting them under Tarbaby my broody hen before her 21 days were up. So she got off the nest. Only one of the eggs had hatched. When I got rid of all the other eggs there were about 8 of the 13 that had babies in them. I'll know better next time.
Welcome to BYC! We are glad to have you.

If your "Americaunas" lay any color besides blue, then they are Easter Eggers. True Ameraucanas are much harder to find and will only ever lay a blue egg; they will also be prefixed by a specific color, e.g. "Wheaten" or "Blue."
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Enjoy your flock and welcome to ours! :)

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