Newbie and venturing into the Peafowl world. Raising a imprinted Peafowl chick from hatchling.

I don't know if Ice has ever imprinted to anyone but I think he's imprinting on me. Or at least bonding.

Trying to have as serious of a face as I can
She looks happy and you look like you've grown quite a bit taller!


Ice is a male. Or at least that's what they sold him as and his sister as a hen. If Ice is a hen I'm going to try and find myself a peacock that already has a train so I can assure myself it's a male. I already have 2 extra hens I don't need another hen and no male. Genie won't even step inside the chicken or peafowl pen even when the door is wide open. Thank you! I hope that Ice will perform a miracle and grow a train this fall. I can at least hope for a small but developed train like some of Zaz's. Though it will probably be the fall of 2016 when he gets his train when I leave to the other side of the state for University of Idaho! I'm planning to try and get my two adults tame this summer when Colbolt's done molting and stuff so I can get him trained that way I can show him Senior year and have him in my Senior photos during the Spring. I would like it in the Spring when my peacocks have trains so I can have some photos with them.
Aww thank you Kathy and Birdrain for the pics , Ice is beautiful. Thank you new 2 pfowl for the welcome.
Quote: Oh I didn't actually get to visit Gilroy but came to California , I was dating someone in Hollywood land so hence the trips were to Los Angeles but long distance got a bit to much.

Those babies are adorable, Makes me even more excited to hatch out mine. I candled again last night , they were set last Friday night so today I am saying is the seventh day of incubation. On candling the two last night I cannot see any development. The shells are really blotchy and dark so maybe in a few more days I will know a lot more ?

On the plus side I should be receiving another five Indian blue peafowl eggs today. I shall leave them to rest today with blunt end up and set them tonight.

Hi there,

My name is Jen - I was looking online for some advice on my new peahen who I think has imprinted on me. She is only 4/5 days old. So far I am realizing how much different they are than raising chickens - WAY more hands on care. It is like having a newborn ie up all night holding/feeding all day etc. DO you have any sage advice having raised your peafowl? I live on a farm in Ojai with 2 other houses. One house has 2 peahens and 3 peacocks. The peahen has 7 babies and he gave me on to save. Every year the babies get taken by hawks and he does not have the time to hand raise. Any and all advice would be appreciated!

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