Newbie Chicken mom


In the Brooder
Jun 21, 2018
hello, my name is Sue. I have always had parrots and still do have two. I am disabled and that life stinks. My grandkids wanted chickens and so did I. We were suppose to get 4 but chicken math kicked in and we have 12 and love them to death. We are from pa. We have Brahmas, Cochins, frizzle, buff Orpington. Australorp. Plymouth barred rock. All female. We have cameras everywhere and even in the coop. We actually have two coops as we needed more rm. our coop name is ....
Welcome to our mother clucking fuzzy butts inn.
They are very spoiled. They have a run that is 32 ft by 6 ft wide and free range around our 5 ft chain link fence. Just here to learn some things I don’t know.
wave high happy.gif

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