newbie :-D


In the Brooder
hey there im tracey and ive just joined - thanks for the welcome guys :) been on this site a few times just browsing but thought i might aswell join up lol plus ive got a small problem with one of my bantams nd looking for info but cant seems to find anything about it so might hafta take her to vet :-/ - poor bessie has a swelling on her spur looks red nd sore :-( - ill have to get a pic tomorrow as ive just noticed as i was locking the girls up for the night x
hey there im tracey and ive just joined - thanks for the welcome guys :) been on this site a few times just browsing but thought i might aswell join up lol plus ive got a small problem with one of my bantams nd looking for info but cant seems to find anything about it so might hafta take her to vet :-/ - poor bessie has a swelling on her spur looks red nd sore :-( - ill have to get a pic tomorrow as ive just noticed as i was locking the girls up for the night x
Not sure what to tell you about the swelling . pictures will help there is an emergency thread but I've not used it . so can't tell how to get there but someone will tell you how . keep a close eye on it . have you checked for injury . a small cut can get infected and become a big problem. look for that. good luck with her
thanks i hope its something easy to treat - i just noticed it as i was locking them up she was on her perch and wouldnt let me go near it so thought id get a better look tomorrow when i have someone to hold her and i can get pics ( if she will let me lol ) its right on her spur looks like its just about covering it :-( x
Hi Tracey and welcome to BYC from another northerner, via Kenya - glad that you have joined us. I hope that other members are able to help you out with your little one.

More generally, the Learning Centre is a great resource, even for experienced chicken keepers - loads of info on anything chicken.

You can also join your national thread - "UK members, please say Hi" - this will put you in contact with other UK members.

The members here are amazing - very friendly and helpful, so if you need an answer to a question or simply want some reassurance that what you are doing is ok, then post away - we all help each other out here at BYC.

All the best

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