Newbie from NW IN introduction! Chick with diarrhea ... ugh ...


May 9, 2022
I'm a homeschooling gramma with a 9 yr old granddaughter. I thought chickens would be a good way to stave off any food crisis in the future AND be really educational for all of us. Needless to say, this has just been TOO MUCH FUN. We got them before Easter and today they are in their new coop and run.
We have an assortment of chickens, bought for hardiness and egg coloration for fun so I know who's doing what (hahaha). I've had trained them and they're so tame and adorable. When I say I have empty nest syndrome since they've graduated to their outdoor coop, I mean it!
An additional benefit is the exercise this gives me trotting outdoors all the time to check and do their food and water. I keep telling them how great they're looking with all those spunky feather patterns. We have Austrolorp, Starlight Green Egger, Golden Laced Wyandotte, New Hampshire Red, a Buff Brahma, Barred Plymouth Rock (least tame), Buff Orpington and a Blue/Black Splash Andulusian and a Golden Comet (who seems to be the "smartest" of the flock in that she always wants to "come by me" and really enjoys being held (it's almost scary! lol Never expected a chicken to actually like humans this way.)
While they're all GORGEOUS, and very close in age, the tameness of the Austrolorp and the Golden Comet have been unexpected treats for me. It's amazing how tame they've become with a piece of old toast in my hand. They don't even want it if I put it in the pen. It seems that the attention is what these crazy chickens actually like. I'm probably nuts!
Other hobbies include selling online (vintage treasures). I love cooking and canning. I'm a senior and wish I'd had chickens years ago as pets/hobby! I also have a decent garden, about 30'x30'.
I learned about BYC from my chiropractor who is also a backyard chicken lover.
I have one chick with diarrhea (Andalusian) and I've been using a dash of Bragg's in their water and had them on packets of vitamins added to their water for the first two weeks. The diarrhea is persisting. Now I'm afraid she might be contagious although they're all perky. I'd just like the poop to be normal. It's brown and liquidy. Don't see any blood or anything moving in it. Should I go ahead with the Corid (9.6% Oral Solution) just in case? Is 1 tsp/qt the right amount?
TY in advance! I look forward to the info and community I know I'll find here!



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Hello, welcome to BYC.
I would stop the acv. I'm not a believer. I've tried it myself, and it gave me horrible indigestion. I've never seen any proof of its benefit for chickens.
If she continues to have diarrhea, once you stop the acv, it might be worth starting corid.

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