Newbie here from Manitoba, Canada


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 14, 2012
Hi all!

I have 7 layers...about 2-3 years old now.
We also have 12 15 weekers we are hoping to use to replace the oldies. They were mixed so it looks like we have aobut 5-6 roosters too.
They are all heritage breeds...I'm trying to stay with them. But a few of them are crosses. Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, Silver and Gold lace Wyandottes are the breeds...and maybe a few Cochins I think...

We also have 2 Muskovy ducks that are about 13 weeks old...have had them since there were 2 days old!

Also, one of my broody 3 year just hatched a fostered egg...and there a few more. Just waiting to see what she does!

Our big project this year is to get our coop's gets pretty cold here in Manitoba so it's been a trial to figure out what is going to work best to keep those chickens warm!
Hi and Welcome from Missouri!

Good luck with your coop and getting it ready for the winter

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