Newbie here!


Jul 16, 2015
I just bought my first chicks a week ago tomorrow, a dozen of them: 4 Delawares, 4 Cinnamon Queens, 2 Gold Laced Wyandottes, 1 Silkie and 1 Favorelle. Boy that Favorelle can holler!! Right now they are 10 -14 days old.

They are soooo CUUUUTE! Those little Wyandottes, apparently the youngest, standing their ground against the largest of them, the Favorelle!.

I have been raising pigeons for the last nine years, homers and a fancy breed called Seraphim. I have a large loft that will eventually become a coop when all my birds are gone. Right now, I have them moved so that they are in the same section, giving me a section for the chicks when they are large enough.

I'm planning to retire at the most in 2 years and have been working toward some homesteading. Fortunately my son is agreeable to all my plans because they are all happening on his one acre! He lives 5 miles from my DH and I. Also fortunately my husband accepts my plans>

I have a small garden, 18 x 10, and am planning on doing some canning. I have the chicks and plan to use them for eggs, waiting to see if there is a rooster in the bunch and if not get a rooster so we can have meat and eggs for next year.

I have reserved 2 doeling goats for next summer and will be breeding them the following summer to use for meat and dairy, after I'm retired. I just pray my health holds out. So far so good!

So that's my plan! If anyone sees any holes in it, feel free to let me know now rather than later! I do understand that it will be a lot of work, that's why I'm trying to take 2 years to do this and I love hard work - as long as it's what I want to do
Sounds like I've met another Hobbit fan. Welcome to Backyard chickens. You have a good game plan and hope things play out as intended.

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