Newbie Here!


Sep 6, 2023
Hi Everyone! I'm a newbie to raising chickens. I am an elementary school nurse and we have a school chicken coop! I was helping with it last year and this year I am in charge of the coop and our chicken coop club. Currently we have 4 chickens: a 2 yr. old Orpington, a 2 yr. old Easter Egger, a 5 mo. old Black Sex Link and a 3 mo. old Bantam Cochin Frizzle. I have always been interested in birds and bird watch, so my new found love of chickens came rather easily. I think they are fascinating and love to watch them. I find them to be quite calming and was surprised to see they all have such different personalities. Some of my hobbies are creating art on my "Cricut," jewelry making, singing and reading. This is my 4th year as an elementary school nurse, but I have practiced nursing in various disciplines for MANY years! I enjoy learning new things and really enjoy the kiddos at my school. I am married with 4 grown boys (men) and work at the same elementary school they all attended. :) I have a sweet Labradoodle who is my constant buddy. I learned about BYC through my friend (and chicken expert). I hope to gain more knowledge about our awesome feathered friends and get ideas how to come up with fun ideas for our chicken coop club!
Hi Everyone! I'm a newbie to raising chickens. I am an elementary school nurse and we have a school chicken coop! I was helping with it last year and this year I am in charge of the coop and our chicken coop club. Currently we have 4 chickens: a 2 yr. old Orpington, a 2 yr. old Easter Egger, a 5 mo. old Black Sex Link and a 3 mo. old Bantam Cochin Frizzle. I have always been interested in birds and bird watch, so my new found love of chickens came rather easily. I think they are fascinating and love to watch them. I find them to be quite calming and was surprised to see they all have such different personalities. Some of my hobbies are creating art on my "Cricut," jewelry making, singing and reading. This is my 4th year as an elementary school nurse, but I have practiced nursing in various disciplines for MANY years! I enjoy learning new things and really enjoy the kiddos at my school. I am married with 4 grown boys (men) and work at the same elementary school they all attended. :) I have a sweet Labradoodle who is my constant buddy. I learned about BYC through my friend (and chicken expert). I hope to gain more knowledge about our awesome feathered friends and get ideas how to come up with fun ideas for our chicken coop club!
What a great intro! You have a great job and BONUS chickens to even out those bad days! I think they are very calming too. And if you are the " keeper of the food and treats" you are the bomb! I love that you introduce chickens to small children so they know that eggs just don't appear in the back of grocery store. Good job nurse.

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